8 years ago
Monday, December 27, 2010
It's a new year!
One of my goals for the new year is to keep up on blogging! I am not very good at keeping a journal, so for my families sake I need to do this. My boys love to come to our blog and see what mom has done. It makes them feel special. I want to also try printing my post out and keeping them as a journal, for a hard copy. Wish me luck! Here's to a new year!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
We are still alive!!
Once again I don't know where the time has gone. Our little family has gone, done and experienced so many blog worthy events in the last few months. I am so sad and mad at myself for not getting them posted. But this crazy mom of three very active growing little boys is overloaded! Blogging is just something right now that I seem not to be able to fit in. I do seem to have a few minutes here and there to read what everyone else is blogging about, but posting something takes to much effort for me right now! So I am sorry I have not keep you updated. We are still trying to sell our house and my time is consumed with cleaning trying to keep up with the many showing we are having lately. In the 10 days a lone we have had over a dozen showing. Showings stress me out! To add to the stress load I excepted a job working for the county at the public health center in Sandy, as a peer counselor. I applied 8 months ago for the job got an interview, but did not get the job. At the time they decided on someone else. But, they liked me so much, they came looking for me to offer me the job. I was thrilled and it felt good to know I had left a good impression with them. So with all that, life right now for me is just getting a little overwhelming. So I hope to try every once in awhile to update you on our happenings.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Time for a change!

Over the weekend the boys got new beds (new to us!!) Thanks Heidi and Robert for being so generous. Poor Logan is almost 3 and is finally getting out of the crib. He was so excited to get a big boy bed. He is doing great sleeping in his new bed, except for the fact that he has fallen onto the floor every night since we got them! Hopefully he can get used to it soon! The other big change is we put Lincoln in the room with Logan. I was really worried about doing this. I feared they would not go to bed well and stay up talking, getting out of bed together and waking each other up. So far it has been working out great. It is cute to go into their room and seeing them both sleeping in the same room together. I can not believe how big they are getting. They are truly becoming best buds. It is fun to watch. With the change of the beds, Lance is now getting to sleep in a crib and out of mom and dad's room. He is not liking it and I think it will take sometime for him to get used to his new surroundings. It is going to be weird for me to not having my little baby right next to me. (to clarify, no Lance has not been sleeping in our bed with us, the poor little guy sleeps in a port-a-crib in our walk-in closet!!) We had to find somewhere to put the little guy where it was quiet! And don't worry we don't shut the door and leave the poor kid in there with no air circulation. I know a few of you out there are thinking to yourselves what crazy parents. Well you gotta do what you gotta do!! We love our boys so much!

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Look who is 1
On January 7th Lance turned the big ONE!! I really can not believe it. Even though he is doing everything normal 1 year old boys do, he is still really tiny. At his year check up he weighed 17lbs 7oz. I can not remember his exact height, but I think it was approximately 27 inches. He is very petite for his age, but he is growing so the doctor doesn't seem to be to worried. He has been a great joy to have in our home over the last year and has brought us so much happiness. I could not have asked for an easier baby. My Heavenly Father know this mom (meaning me!) needed a sweet, easy going to baby for the third!! Lance is a very active little guy. He could win any speed crawling contest out there! He climbs our huge flight of stairs great, just not the best at going down:( We call him our home wrecker!! His favorite thing to do is to take everything out of the cupboards, draws, book shelves and laundry baskets. It is cute to watch, but annoying to clean up!
For his birthday we had a little family party at our house (well not so little, we had 10 adults and almost 15 kids there!!) It was so fun! I made his cake, it was really fun to make, it was a birthday hat!! If you notice in the picture the top of the hat has a bunch of frosting scraped off, that would be from Lance he really wanted the cake right then.

Here are all the kids at the party waiting anxiously to sing "Happy Birthday"!

Lance was intrigued with the singing and the candle. He had the funniest look on his face.

He loved that I put a whole cupcake on his tray. There was no hesitation at all, he dug right in and loved every minute of it!!

All the kids eating their cake and ice cream in the kitchen so we didn't have a huge mess all over. I would have to say, with that many people in our small house things never really get to out of control.
For his birthday we had a little family party at our house (well not so little, we had 10 adults and almost 15 kids there!!) It was so fun! I made his cake, it was really fun to make, it was a birthday hat!! If you notice in the picture the top of the hat has a bunch of frosting scraped off, that would be from Lance he really wanted the cake right then.

Here are all the kids at the party waiting anxiously to sing "Happy Birthday"!

Lance was intrigued with the singing and the candle. He had the funniest look on his face.

He loved that I put a whole cupcake on his tray. There was no hesitation at all, he dug right in and loved every minute of it!!

All the kids eating their cake and ice cream in the kitchen so we didn't have a huge mess all over. I would have to say, with that many people in our small house things never really get to out of control.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Time for updating!!
Wow our family has had so many happenings that have went on since I last blogged. Fore warning, there are many post and pictures to come. Scroll down to see how our Christmas season was. Enjoy!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ice skating
Michael's mom for Christmas every year gives the grand kids a fun party as part of her gift to them. This year we went ice skating! Lincoln and Logan have never done this before or even seen a ice rink. They were so excited to be able to go skating. Here are just a few photos from the night. Once again I had a hard time narrowing it down to just a few!! I take to many pictures!! Thanks Lulu for a fun night!!

Christmas Day 2009

The last 6 months for our family has been a very trying time. Michael lost him job in June and was out of work for 4 months. We have struggled financially since then trying to get back on our feet. We knew Christmas for our family was going to be one of very little, which we were OK with. We just felt bad that our sweet little boys would not be getting from Santa what they asked for. We were so blessed this Christmas with so much giving. Our little boys did not go without, and to be honest got more then I would have liked for them to get. I was thrilled to death Christmas Eve after everything was wrapped and placed under the tree to see how beautiful everything looked and was gitty with excitement to see Lincoln and Logan's faces Christmas morning!!
For at least 2 Christmas's I have really wanted a new digital camera. It never seemed to be in the budget to get a new one. I was really disappointed that another Christmas was going to go by where I was not going to get my camera. Well I have the dearest friend/neighbor who knew I needed and wanted a new one. She took it upon herself to get 10 other close friends of mine in my ward to get me a new camera. She brought it over to us a few nights before Christmas and I was shocked and I am still shocked that I have a awesome new camera. Even my Christmas wishes came true!! Thank you so much Heather and to all the other dear friends I have for making this Christmas truly magical.

L and L looking opening their stockings.

Lance thought opening presents was the greatest thing. We loved the paper! When Lincoln took the pink pig out of a gift bag for him his face lite up! He loves soft, fuzzy things. He puts them up to his face and immediately puts his thumb in is mouth!!

After a great Christmas breakfast and fun with the new toys we headed to the rehabilitation center where Grandpa Kirby is staying to wish him a Merry Christmas.

This is just a ramdom picture we took of Lance that we thought was cute. I had so many pictures from Christmas it was really hard to narrow it down.
After visiting with Grandpa Kirby we headed south to Springville to spend Christmas evening with my family. We had a great time and we were all spoiled by my parents. Thanks mom and dad!!
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