Monday, August 24, 2009

Deceptively Delicious!

I have had the Deceptively Delicious recipe book for over 1 1/2 years now and I have never used it. If you are not familiar with this recipe book it is all about adding veggie and fruit purees to your recipes. The purees add some nutritional value to your dish and to get your family to eat their veggies without even knowing it! This weekend I decided that I am going to start using it and test my boys to see if they notice the veggie purees. I spent a couple of hours tonight steaming beets, butternuts squash, and sweet potatoes, and then pureeing them in the blend. It was a lot of fun (plus I got to be with my hubby and listen to coast to coast talk radio with him while I worked!.) I was so excited when I got done at how much it all made. The test starts with breakfast, I will update you on how the family reacts.


The Hardy's said...

Way to go! I have that book too. My mom gave it to me at least two years ago when my boys were being really picky eaters, but I still haven't made one thing from it. How dumb am I? I'll have to get it out and try it. However, my boys all love broccoli, carrotts, squash, and sugar snap peas.

Good luck. You'll have to let me know how it goes. I'm sure Michael and you will like the dishes quite well too.

BTW, I love your picture with this post.

David and Taryn said...

I have this book and I need to start using it more! I love recipe books, but I am terrible about using them. Let me know what recipes you like!

Nic said...

Somehow my blog is messed up so I'm is no more.

Jeff and Kristy said...

I hope it works. I actually made some macaroni cheese with butternut squash instead of cheese and it really was good. p.s. nice job on the alligator cupcakes!