Friday, September 11, 2009

Camping at Hoop Lake

The first week in August the boys and I went camping with Michael's family. Michael was not able to join us until the last night, and I don't think I have ever been so happy to see him! He got to our camp site around midnight and everyone was already in bed asleep. When he unzipped the tent door I just wanted to jump up and down with excitement (but I couldn't Lance had just fallen asleep in my arms.) It was not easy going camping with three boys under the age of 4. I had tons of help from Michael's family though!

We went camping at Hoop Lake in the high Unitas's and it was beautiful. This was definitely the start of a new family tradition. Here are just a few pictures of the many I took. Wish I could share them all with you.

Lincoln and Logan love their cousins so much.
from left to right: Ellie, Lance, Dresden, Sadie, Lincoln, Logan and Sophia

The highlight of the trip for Logan was riding the horses.

One morning I took all the kids on a nature walk we had so much fun. Before we left we made bracelets out of duct tape and the idea was to put whatever they found during our little walk that they thought was pretty or really neat they picked and stuck it to their wrists. They all have tons of fun picking all the pretty wild flowers.

Lincoln and Logan loved it when it was time to go collect firewood with their aunt Sonja! Thanks aunt Sonja for taking them with you and giving me a little time to myself!

1 comment:

The Hardy's said...

You are very brave. Maybe I'm just a wimp, but I wouldn't even want to think of trying to go camping without Rex. Thank goodness you had lots of helpers.