Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lincoln's first day of preschool

Lincoln started preschool on Monday. This will be his first year and probably only year of preschool (depending on if we decided to wait a year to send him to kindergarten). He did really great the first day! He was a little hesitant having me leave him, but at least he wasn't one of the kids that cried when mom left like some of the others! We went to orientation the week before and it made me so nervous about having him away from home 4 days a week for 3 1/2 hours. Just hard to believe he is old enough to do this school thing. I really can't believe I have a preschooler!! His preschool is at an elementary school in Riverton. We leave every morning at 8:15 to get him there by 8:30 and then I pick him up at noon. It has been a change for our household getting up and being ready to go by 8 am, but it has been a good change. I feel like I get a lot more done and it is nice spending time with just Logan and Lance. It is a nice peaceful time with no fighting between Lincoln and Logan. They are at a stage right now that they are having a hard time playing together. Lincoln is a creator and Logan is a destroyer!! I look forward to watching Lincoln learn new things.

1 comment:

The Hardy's said...

I'm sure he'll love it.

I'm glad he's going to preschool. I think it was the best thing for Evan and will be for Mason too.

What a handsome little guy he is...Cute mom too :)