Friday, September 11, 2009

Lance is 8 months old!

Lance is the type of baby that everyone needs to meet and see in person. He just melts everyone's heart with he big blue eyes and big grin. He is the happiest little guy ever. I don't even know what are family would do without him. He loves watching his older brothers play and sometimes gets in on the action also. Lincoln and Logan love, love, love to get Lance laughing and it is the cutest thing ever and warms this moms heart! Lance is a very active baby, get everywhere he wants to go by rolling, army crawling, and by inch worming on his back. He is so close to crawling. He is always rocking back and forth on his hands and knees. He is like the other two boys, they army crawled forever before actually crawling. He is just starting to master picking up little baby treats, which entertains him forever.

He also loves his Munkin (a cool little baby toy that holds food in a net so babies can eat food without chocking on large pieces). I love it because I can put him on the counter next to me while I am making dinner and it keeps him busy the whole time. Yes it can be pretty messy, but it sure is yummy. He loves peaches the most.

After wards I put him in the sink to clean him up and he just sits there very content playing in the water.

He has been a great sport being the littlest brother. He just goes along with the flow of things. He misses out on a lot of naps because we are always off playing to keep the older brothers happy. Most babies would not like that and sometimes he doesn't, but for the most part he is always happy and knows that sometimes mom just can't get to him right when he wants her to. I love that I am still nursing Lance, it is our time together. We seclude ourselves in the bedroom, Lincoln and Logan know that they can not interrupt us when Lance is eating. Lance does also love his baby food, even though I don't! He is a 24/7 thumb sucker and every time we put a spoonful of food in his mouth in goes the thumb. It makes for a very messy feeding. When dad is around he does a great job of feeding him because he basically holds Lance's arms down and does not let him put his thumb in his mouth. Lance tries really hard to sneak the thumb in and will sometimes use force to pull his arms away.

I Love all the new things he is learning and can not wait for the next milestones. They are still new and exciting even though we have been through them before with the other two boys. It is so fun to watch the our little boys grow up. life could not be better, it sure would be dull without our three little L's!


The Hardy's said...

Oh Rachele they are so CUTE!!! That little Lance is just ADORABLE. You're right-he does just melt your heart with those big blues.

What a fun post about all the things he's doing. I can't believe how old he is.

I so much wish we could get together more often. Our boys would love being together all the time.

Love you. Miss you.

Susie Chadwick said...

What a cute smile! Love that first pic.

Nate and Felicia said...

Rachelle, I can't believe how big your kids are getting! They are all so adorable! I love the alligator cupcake-cake. Cute idea!

Cory CL said...

So stinkin' cute! You have to love the bath in the sink pictures. I think because Deacon's our last we still put him in the 2!